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19/07/16 10th Day Nothing Originally, Today I had an appointment for drinking at a pub. But the guy who I will meet at night had to work suddenly.So I didn't have any plans today. I played poketmon on my laptop.It was fun. And then I surfing the internet.I think it needs to stay home. It is good sometimes. Oh and tomorrow I will meet a guy for receiving to transfer an English academy called CES And I will meet an Irish g.. 2016. 7. 21.
18/07/16 9th Day studying at COSTA cafe After waking up, I translated Korean to English on my blog. After finishing to do, I went to study at a cafe almost 2PM.And I found COSTA cafe near by going to Super Valu. I could not concentrate on the book.But I did my today portion forcibly. And then I went to Super Valu for buying some fruits. 2016. 7. 19.
17/07/16 8th Day Bray Tour Across the Liffey River, I took 145 Bus and I took off the bus at Bray Main Street. After taking off, go to left side then you can see Dart crosswalk. In front of the crosswalk, Bray Beach. The weather was really nice, there was a lot of people.lots of rides, lots of light food restaurants. The hill in the picture is Bray Head. You can climb the hill through the road in the picture. Why you guys.. 2016. 7. 18.
16/07/16 7th Day Dentistry, Sewol ceremony, Star Pizza I woke up at 5AM.I went to sleep again.I woke up at 6AM.I slept again.I woke up at 7AM. Fortunately, I arrived at the dentistry before 9AM.At morning, the weather was cold. After finishing teeth treating, I came back home.When I backed home, the weather was really nice. I met Spire on second floor bus. After having a lunch at home, I went to the centre for having Sewol ceremony at 2PM. There was.. 2016. 7. 17.
15/07/16 6th Day Final interview for staying, Irish Pub, Beer Almost 1PM, I left home with Vanya.I told Vanya introduce some places in the centre to me.So I went to the centre with her.Fortunately, she had an appointment at there. We went with until Dublin city hall.And at the city hall, there was a wedding ceremony.The weather was really awesome so I played Pokemon Go. I visited Dublin Castle again for using a restroom and sight seeing the garden again. I.. 2016. 7. 17.
14/07/16 5th Day Pokemon Go Tour, Drimnagh Castle For buying some foods, I left house. Beginning of my journey. All sale house has the sign like that. Murphy Mullan sells the house. But I have seen almost Castle sells house. SuperValu ! I have gone today. I think here is bigger and more various than Aldi.It is the reason why I went to Super Valu. I issued a membership card at the entrance from Irish girl. If I pay €1, I got 1 point on the card... 2016. 7. 15.
13/07/16 4th Day Second viewing, Dublin Castle Guided Tour At the morning, I went to view at Rathmine Dublin 6. Then, the room is really small but also plat, kitchen, bathroom. And all people live at there is smoker. so I thought here can not be mine. When I was going back home, the weather was turned to be rain. I got rain-soaked so I felt little bit cold. Before transferring a bus, I went to Dublin Castle ticket office for using a restroom. And then I.. 2016. 7. 14.
12/07/16 3rd Day Phoenix Park, Dublin Castle, Temple Bar. After finishing to write some posts on my blog, I got off the house. Vanya who is homestaying with me from Bulgaria said Phoenix Park and Dublin Castle are really really beautiful place.And today weather is a glorious day for going to travel. So I went to there. The picture is Luas. I tried it at first today.Before taking Luas, we should touch the card machine at a Luas station.After taking off .. 2016. 7. 13.
[초기 정착] Student Leap Card 만들기 feat 국제학생증 트리니티 정문 통과하면 위 상황에서 왼쪽으로 간다. 저기 팻말 OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE라고 적힌 곳 따라간다. 왼쪽 돌면, 저기 팻말 보이는 입구로 들어간다. 여기 문인데, 여기 왼쪽이 Student Leap Card 만드는 곳이고 오른쪽이 매점이다. 왼쪽에서 카드 만들고 오른쪽에서 충전하면 된다. 들어가면 저렇게 막 작성하는 책자들이 쌓여있다. 작성하는데, 나는 주소 적는 칸에 홈스테이 주소 적었다. 그리고 대학교 어디 다니는 거냐고 체크하는 곳에 Other있다. Other체크하고 학교 명 적는 곳에 우리나라에서 재학중인 학교 썼다. (국제학생증이랑 같아야함) 그리고 학년 체크란에 나 2학년 까지 하고 와서 second grade에 체크했다.이건 별로 중요해보이지 않았다. 이거랑 무슨 코스.. 2016. 7. 12.
11/07/16 2nd Day GNIB Card, Student Leap Card, Viewing I woke up at 5:30 AM for issuing GNIB Card but I left home at 7AM. Fortunately, I took 123 bus going to GNIB at 7:17AM. And I took it on second floor at first. While I was going to city centre, I saw a beautiful structure.You can see it enlarging the photo. It is a college..Jealous.. I want to be there.. When I arrived at GNIB, it will be opened at 8AM, and there was really really lots of people.. 2016. 7. 12.
[초기 정착] Dublin 공항에서 스파이어로 가는 법 ! 출입국장에서 앞을 보면 바로 이런 터널이 있다. 다리 하나만 건너고 아래로 내려간다. 그리고 오른쪽으로 가자. 내려와서 오른쪽을 보면 위 사진 속 간단한 가판대와 표를 파는 사람이 있다. 카드로도 계산가능 한 것 같은데, 카드로 하려면 저 가판대 뒤에 있는 자판기에서 혼자 해야하나보다. 번거롭고 수수료도 있고 해서 그냥 현금 6유로 주고 표를 샀다. 표는 이렇게 생겼다. 저 책자는 저 가판대 뒤 자판기 옆에 많다. 굳이 출입국장에서 인포에 가서 달라고 말안해도 된다. 버스 와이파이가 잡히는데.. 안된다.. 스파이어로 가는 747버스는 2층버스다. 아니, 그냥 90%는 다 2층 버스이다. 그리고 계단 옆에 캐리어가 쌓는 곳이 있다. 캐리어 들고 2층 가는건 힘들기도 힘들고, 캐리어드록 가면 안된다 그러더라.. 2016. 7. 12.
10/07/16 1st Day Dublin Airport, Usim Card, Homestay I departed to the airport at about 9:30PM at home. And I arrived at the airport about 11PM. Before arrived at there, I thought there will be lots of peoplebecause university students have summer vacationand working people get a holiday. But there was not a lot of people in the airport. So I could check my airflight ticket directly not waiting. And my luggage was 2kg overweight if it will be extr.. 2016. 7. 12.
[초기 정착] Ireland 도착하고 일 해야할 순서 지극히 주관적인 내가 해야할 것 핸드폰 개통 -> GNIB 발급 -> Student Leap Card 발급 -> 집 구하기 -> 어학원 구하기 -> 일 구하기 -> PPSN 발급받기 -> 은행계좌 오픈 2016. 7. 6.
[초기 정착] Ireland 도착 후 송금, 은행 관련 업무 1. 해외에서 내가 인터넷뱅킹으로 이체시 잘 안될경우 02 - 730 - 54421588 - 159902 - 738 - 9592~3 으로 전화해서 문의하기 2. 인터넷 뱅킹으로 해외송금시 수수료 : 전신료 8,000원 + 수수료 5,000원 ATM에서 인출시 건당 $3 + 전체 금액의 1% 2016. 7. 6.
[초기 정착] 핸드폰 개통하기 위 사진처럼 3라고 적힌 핸드폰 매장이 많다. 20유로 탑업을 해달라고 직원에게 말하고 심(유심)을 산다. 같은 통신사끼리는 전화, 문자 무제한이다.데이터도 무제한 !!!! 위 처럼 생긴 심을 준다. (대만가서 한거랑 다를 바 없다.) 그리고 원래 한국에서 사용중이던 심을 저기 저 자리에 넣고 테이프로 동봉한다. 그리고 캐리어 깊숙히 잘 넣어둔다. * Add-on 이라고 탑언한 심에 크레딧이 남은 경우 5-6유로를 지불하고 데이터 500mb씩 충전해서 사용할 수 있다.이건 Three.ie 사이트 들어가면 된다하니.. 참조.. 2016. 7. 3.