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30/10/16 113th Let's go to Morroco Let's go to the airport! There were lots of people.I was wondering.Where are you going?and I arrived to early... I misunderstood my flight time. It's the ticket. lol.Note7 is really popular. Finally, let's board the flight. I arrived well at the Marrakesh airport! I tried to get a bus.But a guy said to me "Do you want to take a taxi?"So I said,. yes.Because I was too tire. really so much.And whe.. 2016. 12. 26.
24/10/16 107th Dinner with Simon When I ready to go to Simon's house, teenagers made a burn again.So firefighters came here. He cooked it for me.It was really nice. And we had a drink more. 2016. 12. 26.
15/10/16 98th As usaul I bought it for winter. WINTER IS COMING 2016. 12. 26.
10/10/16 93th As usual As usual. 2016. 12. 26.
04/10/16 87th iMAX Movie Theater After finishing my work, I passed a bridgeThe view was really nice and I met some friends. They went to watch a movie. But I didn't watch.Just I had some talk with guys.And then I back home. 2016. 12. 26.
02/10/16 85th Take relax Here is my favorite park.Lots of people were taking relax.I was also too. They gave it me for advertising.Cherry Pessi Here is near my house.I didn't know this park were here. In front of my house, on the square, there was a concert. 2016. 12. 26.
01/10/16 84th Just eat PIZZA! Let's go to buy PIZZA! This is called LUAS. I can choice two kinds of topping. In Ireland, main way is left side. lol MY PIZZA! 2016. 12. 26.
25/09/16 78th Riding to Howth Today I went to Howth for riding! Here is really similar with Dun laoghaire.But I think Dun laoghaire is better. And the weather was nice... just until now.. It is the map of Howth.I was seeing this one. The weather was suddenly turned to be rainy with hail.So I changed my plan. Not go to the hiking, go back home. I could see a border of weather.I felt lots of cold because I got rained on with h.. 2016. 12. 26.
24/09/16 77th Sewol Protest I have the protest every Saturday 2PM.In front of GPO. Especially, elderly people have lots of interesting about the protest. Even young lady said "What can I do for the children?"It made me enormous gratitude. 2016. 12. 26.
17/09/16 70th After party about Sewol Ferry protest After finishing the protest, I saw her.She has really beautiful voice and good skills on guitar. I was invited to her house for having a dinner together.I ate really nice meat. It was really delicious.Brazilian style meat made by France 2016. 12. 26.
14/09/16 67th Howl at the moon Club After finishing works, I met my friend. And then we went to the club.Because they sell alcohol inexpensively on every Wednesday. Tequila We got the beer for free 2016. 12. 26.
11/09/16 64th National Botanic Gardens When I started to go to the garden, I saw this cycling racing.There were lots of nice bikes.I wanted to attend the contest. Here is a funeral.I mistook the road. Entrance of the garden Good to walk and relax our mind. Here is another park near the garden. Today was nice to ride bike. 2016. 12. 26.
08/09/16 61th Grafton Fashion Show After finishing my works, I saw it on Grafton Street. 2016. 12. 25.
06/09/16 59th Night Riding Nice Bike haha Three Arena Interesting building Facebook!LIKE! 2016. 12. 25.
02/09/16 55th Coke, Party, Drink Finally, the can was moved to a bin.I did. My working place! Looks beautiful My grocery store. My White Shoes At Pabi's house Finally, we went to a pub 2016. 12. 25.